Being involved in a car accident is a nerve-racking experience; even if there are no injuries, it can leave you shaken up for days and you probably have a lot of questions about the financial implications of the damage to your vehicle. When there are injuries, the situation becomes even more serious and stressful, and it can be difficult to figure out how to handle the situation with your California insurance company and doctors. Some of the most common questions related to car accidents with injuries, and how to be reimbursed for damage, are answered below.

1. How is my car going to get fixed? Can I get a rental?

First, liability will be investigated to determine who was at fault. Once liability has been confirmed, the responsible party will have to pay out for damages. If you’re found at fault, you can pay out of your deductible. It is the registered owner’s duty to mitigate (make a reasonable effort or expend reasonable costs to prevent the amount of loss or harm from increasing) their own damages during the investigation of a loss.  A rental car will be offered to the registered owner of the damaged vehicle for a number of days it will take for repairs to be complete, or a plaintiff can claim loss of use for as many days as you are without a vehicle if there is no secondary vehicle you can use.

2. Will my California insurance premiums go up?

As long as you are not found at fault for the accident, your premiums will not go up and you can use your policy (if applicable) with your insurance company and pay your deductible, which will count as mitigating your damages. Your deductible will be reimbursed to you once the responsible party accepts liability. However, if you are found at fault for the accident, your insurance premiums will go up.

3. Do I get reimbursed for storage/towing?

Yes, you will be reimbursed for anything you paid for out of pocket, i.e. storage, towing, car seats, booster seats and car rental. Call your insurance to discuss your options for out-of-pocket reimbursement and then the fees will be subrogated directly from insurance company to insurance company. If you pay anything out of pocket, keep your receipts so your attorney can submit them for reimbursements.

4. I have my own health insurance, can I just go to my doctor? Will this reduce my settlement?

You are welcome to seek treatment anywhere you see fit, but do remember that getting an immediate evaluation and treatment is extremely important. A California attorney can suggest doctors in your surrounding area if you don’t have a general practitioner or related specialist of your own. Seeking treatment with your own doctor will not reduce your settlement.  Please feel free to contact us today at 949.3284818 to schedule a free initial consultation, or you can reach us through our website at Gerard Law, California Law firm specializing in personal injury and immigration law  Si, Hablamos Español.